
Showing posts from 2012

The end of the world??!

Is tomorrow REALLY going to be the end of the world??!  I don't think so!!!! <---Why do I say that? Well, in the bible, it says that no one on earth, not even the angels in heaven and the Son, know when this earth shall end, but the ONLY one that knows is the Father in Heaven.  I'm sorry, but shit happens. We have had horrible weather in years past. We've had horrible things happen in the past as well. Plus, the earth was SUPPOSED to end in 2000, then before that in the early 1990's, then in like the 1960's. Come on people!!! Don't be stupid!!! If the earth was supposed to end, it would have a long damn time ago. So, no, I am NOT a believer of the whole the earth will end 12/21/12 thing. It's a bunch of hullabaloo!!!!! 

Shooting Pt 2

The shooter's mother worked at the elementary school that he shot up. She was one of his victims. He then turned the gun on himself.  I don't normally judge because I highly dislike it. But this 24 year old man has a special place in hell that has been made specifically for him. That's where I hope he rots for eternity.  Someone on facebook said that we should forgive him. Oh how hard that is to do. She is a much better woman than I. All I can do is pray not only for him and his family, but all the people that he killed. He killed a total of 27 people...18 of which were children. Mere babies!!!!!! BABIES!!!! I don't have children of my own, but all I want to do is cry. My best friend has a 6 year old daughter. This 6 year old is my friends ONLY child. She suffered 2 miscarriages after having Molli. What if this happened at Molli's school??? I'd be broken up myself. I don't know what I would do without that sweet little 6 year old. She's not mine, b...

Shooting in Connecticut

How can someone be so so.......stupid as to go into an elementary school and start shooting!!!!!!! My heart is breaking. I'm sitting wanting to cry but too angry to cry. Why did this have to happen??! Why did it happen??! These are CHILDREN!!!!!!! My heart and mind just ache for the families, children, and staff in this school. My thoughts and prayers go out to them all.

Patrick's new job

He finds out today what day he officially starts his NEW JOB!!!!!!! So proud of him right now. He can leave cheesecake factory and actually rise in a career like he wants to. So thankful!!!!!

Neil Armstrong

Just found out about an hour ago that Neil Armstrong , the first man on the moon, died today. He was just 82. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. May you rest in peace, Neil Armstrong!!!!!

Thank you Lord!!!

Lord, I just want to thank you for my family. Granted we don't always get along, I am incredibly thankful for them. Thank you lord for my bff's. For without them I'd be lost. And thank yo for Molli. She has been a light into my life. Thank you lord for my fiancé, Patrick. And thank you for his family. I am grateful you finally showed me to him. That I could do better than all the others. Thank you for his family. They are very similar to mine and for that I grateful. Thank you lord for my job. Without it I wouldn't be able to show people your love. I wouldnt know as much about the medical field like I do now. Thanks for the crazy coworkers....including the ones who rub me the wrong way.

Heavy heart

Tonight I have a heavy heart. I am trying my best to pray for my friend. I shall call him M. Well M, he came is saying he was depressed and had suicidal thoughts. He is also a fireman and paramedic. He works for two different fire departments, which means he's gone for 48 hours at a time, instead of the traditional 24 hours. Which means he may only get one (ONE!!!) day to recover!!! I can understand why he might feel the way he does. His profession is not an easy profession to work in. It's incredibly hard. DEAR LORD, Please help m and his wife work through all of this. Please let him know that he is NOT the only person to feel this way. Lord I am beyond grateful that he asked for help. I am grateful for his wife. That she knows how to help him. Lord it will take you to heal him completely. I lift him to you that you help him and heal him. That he feel your prescience through all of this Lord. In your name, Amen

Defensive Driving School

I have defensive driving school tomorrow...and I am a bit nervous. Nervous because I have never had to go to one before. Hopefully it'll be great.

Prayers for Colorado

Have you heard about the shooting in Aurora, Colorado? If not, I have a link. I am surely praying for all involved and for the shooter himself.

Internet dating

Beware of internet dating...granted that's how I met my fiance.  I've read and heard sooo many news stories about women who went to these sites and met someone. Then they started asking for money...and all but one (the story I JUST read) fell for it and sent the bastard's the money. This one lady (kudos to her) didn't give him the money. She ended up googling "Greg Garic, Internet Scam"...and there was a support site set up for the women who were swindled out of money....especially by this dude.  Not ALL men on these sites are gonna do this to us. My man surely didn't. But I will say on the look out. If it looks and sounds to good to be true, don't do it. I had seen several on some of the sites that were to good to be true and I didn't even bother.  I'm glad that Patrick is a good man. He loves me for me. He tolerates some of my annoying habits so very well, as I tolerate his. I love him so very much. Just please BEWARE of s...

I love you

I love you, Patrick... I love you more than words can say... I will love you until the day we die... Just because I can... Never forget this... For I never will... That my love is everlasting... Just like our God's love is everlasting!!!

My wish(es)

I have many wishes.  One is that I could lose weight and KEEP IT OFF!!!!! One day.... Another is that I wish I could write good stuff. Unfortunately, I can't write. I don't know how to write papers...I can't write a good blog update...nothing.  One last wish is that I wish that the world was a better place. That people treated each other WITH RESPECT. That no one hated each other as much as they do. That people didn't shoot each other because of a disagreement. I wish that people could just TALK IT OUT with each other.  Is that too much to ask??! I think not. 

Comedy Club Stardome

Tonight is DATE NIGHT!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!! I think that I am in LOVE with date night. It's easier (and cheaper) than going out every single night. Trust me!!!!! Well, we are going to go see Henry Cho. Hopefully it'll be totally awesome!!! I love comedy anyways. And so does Patrick.  I'll let you know how it went!!!!!

Fiance has an interview

Patrick has an interview!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! (Doing a mental happy dance as I type.) Yes he has one on Saturday...which is today. I thought it was weird at first, but they called and scheduled it for today.  I'm trying NOT to get my hopes up that he get's the job.....well not really trying. I'm hopeful as all get out that he get's this job!!! He needs/wants this job. Fingers are crossed 5 ways, big toes are crossed, may even cross other things that can be crossed in order for him to get this job. I'll be an excited camper if he gets this job.  Not a happy camper, but an excited camper!!!!! :-D So, to all my readers out there that are prayer warriors, please pray!!! He's been in his interview for 20 min now. I know I'm praying!!!!

...And I will always love you...

Even though I have had issues in the past with trying to decide if I was going to stay in my relationship or no, they were just that, issues. I have worked through them.....and decided to stay. I'm actually very happy now. Espically after I have gotten over myself. Sometimes, you have to take the time and just get over yourself in order to be completly happy with yourself and your life. If after trying to take that time to get over yourself and you are still unhappy, then get out of that relationship. It's onviously not you, but the relationship that you have with that person or persons. So, break away...FAR away...from said person or said persons. You'll be happier then.

Kindle Fire

My momma got me a kindle fire!!! Yay!!! I LOVE my mama for getting me it.  Thanks!!!!

Engagement Pics April 24!!!

I'm getting engagement pics done on the 24!!! Woo Hoo!!!! So excited!!! I'll post pics on here once we get the CD back. Pics to come asap!!!!!!!

Wedding Update!!!

I wanted to update yall on my wedding adventure. I found my dress. My mom and I picked it up not too long ago. It's at my grandma's house right now because she has the closet that it can be hung's a tall closet mind you, so the rods are high up. I bought it at David's Bridal....and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Got it on day 1. My goal was 1 day of dress shopping and that's all. I completed my goal that day. Yay me!!!


I got my wedding dress!!!! We've picked it up and everything. I bought it at David's Bridal. The link for it is: Just thought that I would share what it looks like with all of you!!!

Court tomorrow

So, I have court for a ticket that I got tomorrow. I am icredibly stressed about it. So, I have been doing EVERYTHING  I can to take my mind off of it. I've eaten, but that didn't really work. I've tried watching one of my fave shows, Fact or Faked, but that hasn't really worked either. The shower that I took earlier has seemed to work the best, along with listening to some music. I'm not as stressed, but it's still there. As crazy as it sounds, hot showers seem to relax me and help me to stop stressing/panicking about things. I just wish that my fiance was at home right now to help calm me down even more. I wish that he didn't have to work a double today, but he's in the bar area so hopefully he'll get to come home early...9ish maybe. Knowing that makes me happy, but doesn't help me that much. I just want to be in his arms again. .:Breath in...breath out:. .:It'll all be ok in the end:.

Good Cry's

I had a good cry earlier. The cry came from my ticket (read my last post titled UH OH). Sometimes you just have to cry. Cry for no reason at all. Cry because you are frustrated. Cry to help releave some pain that you have. I've cried for all of the reasons I just gave. I go in search of songs that'll help me cry. Crying releaves soooo many things. Tension that's built up...pain from a death or breakup...even for no reason. Music helps with that. Trust me on that one. It will always make you feel better. And as much as I hate to admit it, once in a while I do like to listen to love songs and cry. Sad songs. Now I feel a bit better. I just wanna have a happier and less stressful life...but it'll be hard to find. A happy and stress free or less stressful life seems like it only hapens in my dreams or only hapens to the rich. :-/

Uh Oh!!!

I think that I may be in for an EARFULL when my fiance gets home from work. What's the reason??! The reason is because I hadn't told him that I had gotten a ticket back in October until TODAY. Yes you read that right. I got a ticket October 28, 2011...and I didn't tell him. I can't explain WHY I didn't tell him except that (1) I was embarrassed and (2) I wanted to pay for it, but couldn't ever figure out HOW to pay for it online. It'll cost me 159 bucks for the ticket itself. Bummer....yes, very much so. It's my first ticket EVER so I don't know what's gonna happen. Not sure if they will make me pay for it or let me off or make me take a driving class in order to have it dropped off of my record. Just not sure. Do I regret NOT telling him before now? LIKE HELL I DO!!!!! I hope that he can forgive me and that his trust in me is restored again. I hate the feeling of letting people down. I hate having people be disappointed in me. I'...


I'm gonna be really honest right now. I wish that I was like my friend Laura. Never talking bad about anyone. Being a AWESOME...believer in Christ. I wish that I could walk in Christ like she does. Her life hasn't been easy, but it's been easier than mine. Granted her mom and dad divorced due to infidelity and her dad remarried. But her dad is still alive. My dad committed suicide. boo to that!!! But her parents raised her in the church. Mine didn't. My grandparents took me and my younger sister to church. It was an EXTREME rarity that my mom went to church. I only remember my dad going ONCE and that was because I was in the Children's Choir and we were doing a play one Sunday night. I think that if my parent's had raised me in church, I wouldn't have made some many mistakes. That's not to say that ALL church going people are mistake free. We all make mistakes. I just think that mine would be few and far between. I would still be a virg...

It's official...SPRING has sprung!!!

If I didn't know any better, Spring has been here for a while. But, they are saying that Spring has just now gotten here. hmmmmm..... I saw a newspaper article titled (kinda rewording it a bit), "Winter is gone, and Spring is here!!! (BUT WHO KNEW??!)" That's not the exact title, but you understand what I am trying to say. Winter never really showed up...I LOVE winter. I just don't like the snow. I used to like snow before I started working in my local (1 of many) hospital. When it snows and ices, they enact the BAD WEATHER PLAN.....which means I get to go and live at the hospital for "X" numer of days. Like I said before, I never really knew that winter was here. My theory is this...if I can wear pants and a short sleeved or 3/4 inch sleeved shirt, then it's too warm for the winter. Now it's like in the 80's in MARCH! Wow is all I can really say. It's been kinda weird this year.

Eating out of boredom or....

.....depression??! I can't tell the difference. Well, actually, today I could. Today was boredom/migraine day. Along with the migraine came some nausea. I put it off to it being a "mild" hangover. Mild being the fact that I didn't throw up...but I got it to go away with food and medicine and rest.  Just weird is all. Just weird. I do eat out of boredom and I do eat out of sadness/depression. More so boredom than anything else. I hate it, too. I hate it because I can't figure out how to control it. There are soooo many things that I want to do, but because my mind goes so fast (I have ADHD to top everything off) I just sit on my fat butt all day long. :-/ Because I sit on my butt all day, I eat because I am bored...I then gain weight...which then I get all sad and junk...which just makes me eat MORE. And the cycle continues. Maybe I will go to the gym that my apartment complex has and work out before I go find a wedding dress. Wedding dress shopping SHO...

AT&T vs Customer: The winner is...... *** THE CUSTOMER!!! In this story, the customer took AT&T to court because AT&T was slowing down his "unlimited" data package. Said customer says that "Unlimited is matter what." According to the article, which I have attached the link at the beginning of this blog, says "Said Customer has an "unlimited data" plan, but as of this fall, AT&T had begun slowing download speeds for these subscribers if they use more than a certain amount of data in a month." In my mind, as well as everyone else's minds, unlimited means just that...UNLIMITED. So, said customer decided to take the company to small claims court and won. The courts sided with said customer, but AT&T claimed they were gonna appeal. Well, AT&T caved and paid up. Thanks, AT&T for doing ...

Disney Princess Stories

I grew up with them. I loved them. They were the BEST fairy tales ever!!! I watched the movies all the time growing up. I couldn't get enough of them.  Let's fast forward to the present. People are now saying the stories are sexist. That they wish that they weren't here. All because they tell girls that they aren't as smart as boys and tells girls that they deserve massive pieces of  jewelry if the man really loves them. That their man needs to be rich. That girls can't do what boys can do...climb trees, play in the dirt, go hunting, financially take care of the family, etc. (I saw a story that pretty much stated this on AOL ).  What I don't get is how parent's are always so serious with their kids now a days. I get that everything kinda sucks, but let your kids be kids and have imaginations. Didn't they believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy??! I did. Tell your kids that these princess stories are fairy tales...that they AREN'T re...

Depression Eating....Is it possible??!

Depression eating...Is it possible??! For me it is. Do you do it??! I get what I call depression when I am alone. Granted I'm not a big fan of groups, but it's a hell of a lot better than being alone. When I'm alone, I get sad.....really sad. Not suicidal. I don't believe in suicide at all. Just sad. So I eat...and eat...and eat some more. Today, I ordered a medium pizza from Pizza Hut. A medium has 8 peices. I ate half of the pizza today. the other half is now in the fridge split into 2 2-peice servings. I can't believe I did that, but when it comes to depression eating, all you do is eat, eat, and eat some more!!! A lot of women self medicate with food...sometimes I wonder if men self medicate with food as well. I would think that they did, too. It's an insaciable (sp?) hunger that NOTHING fills. Nothing, I mean food wise. When I get to where I am right now, I don't want to do anything, I text my fiance a million times, and I just sit on my ass a...

Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day. I hope everyone is having a LOVELY day (and yes that was full of sarcasm). No, Patrick and I haven't broken up. He just had to work a double and I happen to be off of work today. :-/ I wanted flowers....but didn't get those. I wanted a card....but didn't get that. However, I DID get a big, ol' fluffy teddy bear!!!!! He's keeping me company at the moment. Keeping me from completely being sad about today. I'm very lonely...all of my friends are doing stuff with their families and significant others today. Me you ask? I'm sitting on the couch in the apartment that I share with Patrick, in my PJ's, watching THE FIRST 48, and waiting for dinner to get done cooking. I took a shower, hoping that I could forget about today.....but it didn't help that much. Just made me a bit sadder. But my bear, whom I affectionately call Patrick Jr., is keeping me company and helping me through the day. I shouldn't be that sad abo...

My Trip of a Lifetime.....

.....Is just beginning!!! I've had boyfriends. I've lived to a certain degree through my friends, co workers, and family. But to finally move in and get MARRIED??! Now THAT is truly a trip of a lifetime!!!!! I know yesterday I was talking about having cold feet. I swear that sometimes the Devil (and I sometimes allow this to happen) to take over my heart and convince me that I am doing the WRONG thing by marrying Patrick. It is the RIGHT thing for me to do...marrying Patrick. Sometimes you have to banish the bad stuff out (or in my case, the Devil himself). I'm pretty good at doing that....I just pray and demand and pray some more that the devil leave me alone and stop giving me bad thoughts. It works.....until he comes back. But that's because I don't continue to pray that he stay away. So, again I ask you, please follow me on my personal trip of a lifetime!!!!!

RIP Etta James!!!

"At Last" singer, Etta James, passed away yesterday. Sad news for a lot of people....her fans and most importantly her family. She unfortunately lost her battle to leukemia. Bless you, Ms. Etta James!!! May you rest in peace. May your music continue to live on in your honor here on earth and may you continue to make BEAUTIFUL music up in heaven!!! God Bless you!!!


Guess what??! I'm moving!!!!!! I've been packing some of my room up today. My fiance, Patrick, and I have found an apartment. We are renting it for 14 months.....kinda scary, but exciting all at the same time.  I can't wait to step foot into the next chapter of our lives. I'm just ending this chapter.  Chapter 1--our first date and us dating/being in an exclusive relationship. Chapter 2--engagement. Chapter 3--moving in together. (Not all couples chapter 3 is living together.) Chapter 4--us getting married. Chapter 5--me getting into school and going to nursing school, then graduating. Chapter 6--starting a family (or having kids).  I'm a little excited, yet apprehensive about this new step. I'm sure that it's completely normal to feel this way. I'm thinking that us living together will help us learn even more about each other. How we like things, how we do things, how we like stuff set up, etc. If you are the praying type, please pray ...

Congrats To Miss Alabama

If you watched Miss America, then you saw Miss Alabama get saved. I want to tell her congrats for making it all the way to Miss America. I also happen to have had the pleasure of graduating from high school with her. Courtney, you made EVERYONE proud of you...from your former high school all they way to around the state. You were BEAUTIFUL, GORGEOUS, and STUNNING all at the same time. I know that your mom would have been SOOOO proud. She was cheering for you from Heaven!!! I know I was (and still am) extremely proud of you!!!


Christmas.....WHEW!!! What fun I had!!! (And no, I'm not being sarcastic!!!)  Christmas Eve, my fiance and I went up to his parents house. We had tons of fun. We hung out, played a few games, opened a few gifts, ate dinner, opened some more, and then went to church. (He's Roman was my first time to attend a Catholic Christmas Eve Mass).  Kinda interesting.  Had tons of fun with his family for Christmas. Can't wait for next Christmas!!!!!

Why do you not....

...spank your child(ren)? I was spanked as a child and I don't hate my parent's for it. I'm not in any kind of therapy because of it. I am actually a better person for it. I never once was taken away by DHR for it. Why you ask??! Because that's how I was disciplined. It seems like more parents now a days are more terrified of their own children than the children are of their parents. I was a little spoiled, but not like kids are now (or it seems like they are). I say that because it seems like kids that are 6, 8, or 10 or older are DEMANDING Wii's, PS3's, XBOX 360's (all 3 sometimes with everything that comes with each game), an iPhone 4, get the picture. I didn't get a tv in my room until I was like in the 3rd or 4th grade. I didn't get a cell phone until I was in like high school (YES you read that right!!!). I knew my boundaries, even though sometimes I tested those boundaries. I knew the consequences for each thing, too. I was e...