Missing My Grandmother Still
My heart is still heavy with sadness and missing my grandmother. I miss her terribly...and always will. See, I was her first grandchild ever. My aunt and uncle couldn't have children of their own and they also tried many times with adoption without success. She had my heart and I had hers. This will be the first Christmas without her. I am usually all happy-go-lucky when it comes to Christmas. And I was prior to her death. Now I'm like, "Meh!! It's not so fun anymore." I'm hoping that my love of Christmas will return. Thanksgiving and Christmas are two of my favorite times of the year!!! It was also my grandmother's two favorite times of the year. She always wanted her entire family with her for these two celebrations. Always. My heart is just...heavy...to say the least. I look at my tree and can't help but think of my grandmother. I hadn't gotten her anything for Christmas because I was waiting until a little closer to get something ...