Update on my cancer
I have some great news about the ovarian cancer.
I had a new scan and some bloodwork done several weeks ago. The CT scan came back normal. My blood work came back normal as well.
I am beyond grateful for that. I thank God everyday for that. The bloodwork is considered "normal" if my numbers are between 0 and 35. Mine was 6 when it was tested. So, it's on the low side of normal.
My husband and I are still trying to have a baby. At the same time, I am rethinking that. I want kids now. So does Patrick. I know it'll be a bit harder to conceive with only one ovary and one fallopian tube.
I've been told that this type of cancer is "slow growing". I hope that that is true.
If i DO get pregnant, it will be a one and done pregnancy. Which I am now ok with.
If anyone has any thoughts and what not to give me, please feel free to do so.
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