The end of the world??!
Is tomorrow REALLY going to be the end of the world??! I don't think so!!!! <---Why do I say that? Well, in the bible, it says that no one on earth, not even the angels in heaven and the Son, know when this earth shall end, but the ONLY one that knows is the Father in Heaven. I'm sorry, but shit happens. We have had horrible weather in years past. We've had horrible things happen in the past as well. Plus, the earth was SUPPOSED to end in 2000, then before that in the early 1990's, then in like the 1960's. Come on people!!! Don't be stupid!!! If the earth was supposed to end, it would have a long damn time ago. So, no, I am NOT a believer of the whole the earth will end 12/21/12 thing. It's a bunch of hullabaloo!!!!!