What does it mean??!
So, I keep getting these gut feelings of I need to divorce my husband, Patrick. What in the he'll does it mean??! I love him and I'm IN love with him, but I keep feeling like we aren't meshing together well. I've felt this way for 5.5 almost 6 years out of the 7 total years we've been together. I keep praying to God to give me guidance and this is what I continue to get. I hear you God. I ready do. I just have so many reasons why I can't go thru with it right now. (1) We are still paying for his car and neither one of us can afford it on our own. I don't want him to be without a car. (2) We can't afford an actual divorce, much less the other fees that goes along with it. (3) Can't afford to go bankrupt. (4) I'm afraid I'd break his heart. (5) I don't want to let down my family nor his family. Yeah. Some are truly legit. Why I didn't end the relationship BEFORE we moved in together, I'll never, ever know. Now I'm here, I fe...