
Showing posts from July, 2012

Prayers for Colorado

Have you heard about the shooting in Aurora, Colorado? If not, I have a link. I am surely praying for all involved and for the shooter himself.

Internet dating

Beware of internet dating...granted that's how I met my fiance.  I've read and heard sooo many news stories about women who went to these sites and met someone. Then they started asking for money...and all but one (the story I JUST read) fell for it and sent the bastard's the money. This one lady (kudos to her) didn't give him the money. She ended up googling "Greg Garic, Internet Scam"...and there was a support site set up for the women who were swindled out of money....especially by this dude.  Not ALL men on these sites are gonna do this to us. My man surely didn't. But I will say on the look out. If it looks and sounds to good to be true, don't do it. I had seen several on some of the sites that were to good to be true and I didn't even bother.  I'm glad that Patrick is a good man. He loves me for me. He tolerates some of my annoying habits so very well, as I tolerate his. I love him so very much. Just please BEWARE of s...

I love you

I love you, Patrick... I love you more than words can say... I will love you until the day we die... Just because I can... Never forget this... For I never will... That my love is everlasting... Just like our God's love is everlasting!!!