Sad Story

Just read a sad story ( where an 8 year old boy died while swiming at a hotel pool. He was attending a birthday party. The group of children and adults were at the pool at night and decided to head back up to the room for the party. When the group got up there, the mother of the child asked where her son was. That's when police were called in to look for him. They found him at the bottom of the deep-end of the pool. He was pronounced dead at Children's Hospital.

I do have a question and I do NOT want a war to start. I want everyone's HONEST opinions about this. Don't put others opinions down. If it gets ugle with the opinions, I WILL take the post down.

So, my question is this: Who is to blame in this child's death--the hotel or the parents?
REMEMBER THAT POOLS HAVE SIGNS WITH RULES AND A TIME THAT THEY ARE "CLOSED"....also there are NO lifeguards at hotel/motel/beach pools.


  1. If you really want an opinion...then I'd have to say that ultimately, the mother was not paying enough attention to her child. That may sound harsh or unfair, but who is the primary responsible person for one's own child? In the end, I believe this could be classified as a terrible tragedy. Too sad. Indeed.

    You have an interesting blog although a little difficult for me to read with the change in color background, but that's just my poor old eyes talking!

    Please drop by my New Prairie Woman blog to comment and follow if you can.

    Thanks for the read.


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