New Diagnosis--And my plans for it

I have some news.

Not sure if I have already told you but, I am diabetic. It is type 2. No I dont need insulin. '

I'm currently trying to read the book entitled THE BLOOD SUGAR SOLUTION 10-DAY DETOX DIET. I'm trying to get my body in proper working order. I want to feel better, look better, and be healthy. I want to lose some weight, as well. 

Is this going to be hard? Yeah. Not gonna lie. I am going to do my best to let you all follow me on this ride to get healthy. I'm hoping that by sharing this, that I can stay focused to get healthy. My current goal is to lose 25 pounds at a time. My half way goal is to reach 200 pounds. My ultimate goal is to be 150 pounds. 

Once I'm at my ultimate goal, I will reasses things. Check all my numbers. Make sure that I'm headed in the right direction. If you are in the same boat, let me know. I'd love to know what your secrets are. How do you keep it fun?  


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